Sunday, August 22, 2010

And the Tri is Over

Now I look back at my 2nd Danskin Triathlon. Very different from last year's, lesson 1: every year brings in new experiences, new challenges and new hurdles to overcome you cannot expect nor plan but prepare that whatever it is, you know you can and have the capacity to transcend it if you have faith in yourself. Your supporters are the the most unlikeliest persons in your life and of course the people you are closest to will always be there for you!

It seems that I generally expect too much of myself and fail to realize that things inside me and around me are changing. When realiy hits, I am off kilter and fear builds up. ONLY thorugh focusing on the level of importance of what I am doing for the other that I can visualize the task at hand! The present moment will come and go and then we look forward to the next preparation, the next event!

Next year it will be different I will anticipate what I failed to this year and know that whatever it is - I will overcome it! With all your help - thank you for being there!