Tuesday, February 22, 2011

21 flight hours to Kathmandu

Incheon, Korea
7:00 am

The long haul from LAX was pretty pleasant. We all were able to sit across one row, Steve and Elisabeth had aisle seats, Bobbie got a window and I happily tucked my little body in the middle seat and off we went to lala land. We all had our sleeping aid of choice. I chose Melatonin and we all had a pretty good rest for about 6 – 8 hours with some nature breaks in between. That shrimplike airplane pillow worked really well. I feel refreshed and despite another 7 hour leg to Kathmandu, I must say I am functioning. The only thing I wish for is airport wifi!!!

I kept maulling the last interview I had last Friday in my mind thinking I could have done better. But after several hours, I figured I needed to let it go in order for me to focus on the present moment. I have 3 lovely companions on this wonderful journey and I am seeing my kids again after an entire year!! Chill! Relax, and feel good that I had the experience to interview and this will make me a better candidate next time! Life is good!

From what I gather about my travel mates is that we are all adventurous, and willing to put ourselves out there to experience something new. Elisabeth decided to be a travelling biker in her early 60’s, Steve backpacked across Europe for a year in college. Bobbie traveled to China and Asia and is giddy with anticipation, I feel like a Mom with kids! Everyone is easy going and kind and thoughtful! This will be a wonderful trip, oh it already is! After 21 hours of flight time and 9+ hours of lay overs and waiting around airports, I can’t wait to touch down and hug my Robbie!

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